Completness in a Cornel Box

This is a cornel box response to the play Completeness by Itamar Moses:

Fuche’s response (imagining the planet which this play takes place in):

Planet: Made out of glass. You can see into it. You can break throw the walls. Life grows with in.
Climate: Mostly hot. 3,4 times a day extreme weather changes for about 10 minutes a time. Suddenly extremely hot, or extremely cold.
Time: The 90’s. Time passes relatively quickly on this planet. Every few weeks, we travel back in time. Never really moving forward over time.
Myself: A reminder to be present, open and connected.

In one sentence:
We live in our heads. And keep reliving our past.

In three:
On order to feel complete, one most obtain inner peace, in order to make peace with the world and others.
And inner peace begins with making peace with our past.
We keep recreating our past, with different people, under different situations, un till we decide to take different actions. And actually let people in.

In Five:
Molly and Eliot try to find a formula of predicting the future, each in their on field- biology, and computer science, which is combined to the same project.
Coming to the conclusion, that such a thing is impossible. By making equations, you can never take into equation the natural element which keeps changing. The only thing in life that is certain, is that you can expect the unexpected.
The same is to be said about human relationships. We have no way of knowing their outcome. The only way to create a successful one is by being out of our heads, and in the relationship, with the other person. Being one.

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